Friday, May 18, 2007

San Jose area ranks tops for nanotech

Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal - May 18, 2007

San Jose area ranks tops for nanotech (Note UC Davis located partially within Solano County has contracted research in nanotech)

Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal - 9:52 AM PDT Friday, May 18, 2007
San Jose tops the nation in nanotechnology, according to a study released Thursday.

The Washington, D.C.-based Project on Emerging Technologies said three of the top nano metro centers are in California -- San Jose with 55 entities doing nanotech, San Francisco with 20 and Oakland with 16.

The other two top nano metro centers were in Massachusetts: Boston (33) and two counties north of that city -- Middlesex and Essex -- with 23.

The top four nanotechnology states identified by the study are California, Massachusetts, New York, and Texas.

The study said nanotechnology companies are working in three main sectors: materials, medicine and health, and tools and instruments.

In addition, 138 universities and government laboratories were identified working on some aspect of nanotechnology.

In all, the study said, 47 of 50 states and the District of Columbia contain at least one company, university, government laboratory, or organization working in nanotechnology.

In 2006, according to Lux Research, governments, corporations and venture capitalists worldwide spent $12.4 billion on nanotechnology research and development -- up almost 30 percent from 2005.

By 2014, Lux estimates $2.6 trillion in manufactured goods will incorporate nanotechnology -- or about 15 percent of total global output.

"Nanotechnology is usually seen as a worldwide or national enterprise, with the U.S. government alone investing $6.8 billion in nanotech R&D over the last decade. But what some describe as 'The Next Industrial Revolution,' is actually taking place at a local and state level," said Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies Director David Rejeski.

The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies was established in April 2005 as a partnership between the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Pew Charitable Trusts.

The full report is available at .

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