Benicia Bus Stop for Pleasant Hill BART, Vacaville, Fairfield is Coming
Times-Herald staff report
BENICIA - A new bus stop serving Benicia residents as a direct connection to Vacaville and Fairfield to the north and the Pleasant Hill BART station to the south could be completed by late summer.
Tuesday, the Benicia City Council is expected to approve a $141,000 contract with Bruce Carone Grading and Paving to build the Park Road and Industrial Way stop. The city approved the new bus stop in concept last year.
Work, including adding a sidewalk, a crosswalk, a bike rack and pavement restriping, could be completed in 60 days, said Benicia Transit Service Manager John Andoh.
Possible riders can pick from five morning and five afternoon trips from the new stop to Vacaville or Fairfield once completed. There also will be five morning and five afternoon trips to the Pleasant Hill BART station.
The city also is trying to get money to make the Park Road and Industrial Way location more of a transportation hub. The hub would have 40 spaces for vehicle parking and an intersection traffic signal, but plans detailing the possible services haven't been detailed.
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