Monday, November 14, 2005

A Wealth of Walnuts

Article Last Updated: Saturday, Nov 12, 2005 - 09:27:29 pm PST

A Wealth of Walnuts -- Solano Growers Breaking Harvest Records
By Christine Cubé

- Solano County's fastest-growing crop is breaking records across the state in what agricultural officials are calling the biggest-ever walnut harvest.

From September through November, walnut growers in the state - numbering at more than 5,300 - are collecting their shellful bounty.

This year, the California Agricultural Statistics Service predicts the state's walnut harvest will yield a record 340,000 in-shell tons, up from 325,000 tons harvested in 2004. The finding is based on the Walnut Objective Measurement Survey report, which was conducted between July 29 to Aug. 24.

In Solano County, officials know exactly how valuable walnuts are.

In 2004, the harvest translated into exactly $5.6 million. Walnuts ranked seventh among the county's top million-dollar crops and alone took up almost half of the dedicated fruit and nut acres in Solano County - 7,167 acres of the county's 16,235 acres.

County and farm bureau officials all are saying it's going to be a real bumper crop this year, although they added it's premature to talk specifics about 2005 walnut numbers.

“We'll publish those stats in the spring time,” said Jerry Howard, Solano County agricultural commissioner.

Solano County's million-dollar crops

Nursery stock $43.6 million

Cattle and calves $26.2 million

Alfalfa $22.6 million

Tomatoes, processing $18.9 million

Milk, market $13 million

Grapes, wine $10.2 million

Walnuts $5.6 million

Corn, field $5 million

Wheat, irrigated $4.4 million

Sheep and lambs $4.3 million

Source: Solano County crop and livestock report 2004

Walnut facts

-- 99.9 percent of U.S. walnuts are produced in California, primarily in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys.

-- There are more than 30 varieties of commercially produced walnuts, all hybrids of the English walnut.

-- The five primary varieties are Chandler, Hartley, Serr, Vina and Payne.

-- Walnut trees bear fruit five to seven years after planting and can continue to produce walnuts for up to a century.

Source: Walnut Marketing Board and California Walnut Commission

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