Monday, March 07, 2005

UC Davis brings area big bucks - revenue of $2.15 billion during the 2003-04 fiscal year

Article Last Updated: Monday, Mar 07, 2005 - 11:09:53 pm PST

UC Davis brings area big bucks

By Matthew Bunk

FAIRFIELD - The university campus at Davis was a big part of the central California economy last year, according to a university financial report.

After state government, the University of California, Davis, was the second-largest employer in the seven-county capital region. Its 28,230 employees took home nearly $1.1 billion during the 2003-04 fiscal year.

The campus budget during the year was $1.97 billion, during which time it generated revenue of $2.15 billion, according to the campus' revenue and expenditure figures and a consultant's analyses.

Beyond the direct impact of salaries and jobs, the university contributes to the state economy by infusing into the jobs market roughly 6,000 graduates every year, the university estimated.

For every two jobs at UC Davis, another job is created in the state, according to estimates.

"This latest round of financial figures shows that UC Davis continues to have a profound impact on the long-term economic health of California and the Sacramento region," Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef said. "But perhaps more important is the impact of our 30,000-plus students, our more than 6,000 graduates each year and our faculty and staff's commitment to our mission."

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